News — chalk

Mr. Potatoe Head

chalk fan art

Mr. Potatoe Head

I have all these images stockpiles waiting to be released within this blog but for some reason, I stop myself. Once art became a chore, or another job on top of my other 95 jobs, I stopped pushing it for sale. Instead I enjoy the guerilla art aspect. Creating on the go, on the sidewalk, on a rock, in a tree, doodling, whatever it may be. Then leaving it behind for someone to find. That way someone will see it and smile. Will I ever know how it made someone feel? Maybe. Sometimes I get people reaching out saying they...

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Chalk Art

chalk fan art nostalgia

Chalk Art

Nothing beats the feel of chalk on a sidewalk. Much different then chalk on a chalk board. My favourite is creating nostalgia cartoon pieces, to bring back all the feels. ย  Here lies Pinky and the Brain. Plotting to take over the world one night at a timeย  #nostaglia ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ€

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